Earth is a dystopian nightmare filled with lonely people seeking connection in virtual worlds while corporate conglomerates profit from war and secretly run every country’s government.
So, nothing’s changed.
Except there are more robots! Like the one the slovenly Null Lasker (he’s your hero, unfortunately) controls from the comfort of his living room in order to fight for SKIRM® in a distant warzone. Think of SKIRM® as like Uber for war, except there are less benefits and the pay is somehow worse.
Everything goes well until Null pushes the system too far and finds himself in a world of trouble — and on the run from his employer.
Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, the George Orwell estate, Olive Garden… these are just a few of the potential plaintiffs in lawsuits that could come from this book.
Oh, and Uber® now.
We wrote ROOK years ago, before we could even afford a ChatGPT account.
A self-described “No, please don’t make me write about myself, Aaron.” Adam is most known for his refusal to have a professional diagnose his dyslexia. It’s just denial at this point. On that note, writing a book probably wasn’t the smartest career pivot. But hey, roadblocks be damned! It was a fun idea and through some kind of miracle it’s now a real thing. “The hard is what makes it great!” Tom Hanks once said, shortly after berating a handful of already distressed women. They looked on in a lost, vacant haze. Most likely thinking of their husbands fighting for freedom across the Atlantic. *throws baseball glove at fat kid* Adam was on YouTube for a bit and helped Ubisoft sell a bunch of copies of Far Cry 3 (citation needed). He owns one car.
Let's be honest — this bio could do the standard thing and talk about Aaron's writing accomplishments, his awards, some of the positive reviews critics have given him along with some quotes. Maybe it could go on about how he has worthwhile hobbies and a loving spouse who has always supported his creative endeavors. It could say all of that, but then it would be a total lie, because he has none of those things. He doesn't even have someone to write this bio. He's writing it right now, in the third person, to make himself seem like an author. Aaron (me) has made a lot of internet videos over the years. Some of them got a lot of views. Most of them didn't. One of the shows for which he was a writer is on Amazon, but only the second season is available for some reason. The first was probably deleted.